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  • بروزرسانی افزونه سئو یواست ⚡ Yoast-Seo-Premium-17-5




    پلاگین سئو یواست Yoast-Seo-Premium-17-5 هم، مانند هر پلاگین دیگر، قرار است بخشی از قابلیت‌هایی را که در هسته‌ی وردپرس پیش‌بینی نشده به آن بیفزاید.

    البته معماری وردپرس به‌گونه‌ای است که حتی پیش از نصب افزونه سئو یواست هم، نسبت به سایر سیستم‌های مدیریت محتوا، برای دیده شدن محتوایتان در موتورهای جستجو، مزیت‌های بسیاری ایجاد می‌کند.

    اما افزونه های سئو کمک می‌کنند تا جزئیات و تنظیمات بسیاری که می‌توانند به بهبود رتبه سایت شما در موتورهای جستجو کمک کنند، از چشم‌تان دور نمانند.

    Yoast Seo Premium v17.5 تنها پلاگین موجود برای بهبود سئو در وردپرس نیست. اما قابلیت‌های گسترده و متنوع، و نیز استفاده‌ی گسترده از آن (در مقیاس میلیونی)‌ باعث شده که بهتر رشد کند و ایرادها و نواقص و باگ‌هایی که معمولاً در بسیاری از پلاگین‌ها وجود دارند، در آن به حداقل ممکن برسد.

    Yoast با دو کاربرد متفاوت برای حرفه‌ای‌ها و آماتورها

    کسانی که در سئو و بهینه سازی سایت‌ها برای موتورهای جستجو حرفه‌ای هستند، با استفاده از Yoast، حجم گسترده‌ای از امکانات و گزینه‌ها را به دست می‌آورند.

    اما اگر آماتور هم باشید، Yoast می‌تواند به شکل دیگری به شما کمک کند.

    اگر تمام تنظیمات را به شکل پیش‌فرض (Default) رها کنید و تغییر ندهید، Yoast بخش مهمی از مسئولیت‌ها را بر عهده خواهد گرفت.

    در این حالت، می‌توانید بیشتر بر روی ابزارِ راهنمای بهینه سازی محتوا متمرکز شوید.

    این ابزار در قالب یک باکس، در پایین هر پست شما ظاهر می‌شود و هم‌زمان با نوشتن مطلب، نوشته‌ی شما را ارزیابی می‌کند.

    دانلود نسخه جدید یوآست پرو [maxbutton id=”3″ ] Yoast-Seo-Premium-17-5


    The latest updates to the Yoast SEO plugin​


    Release Date: November 2nd, 2021

    Say hello to Yoast SEO 17.5! Or maybe γεια would fit better, as this release introduces Greek readability support. Plus: you’ll also be able to find | and ~ title separators again. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.5 in our release post in English or our release post in Spanish!


    • Completes the readability analysis for Greek by adding the transition words, sentence beginnings and passive voice assessments.
    • Improves keyword detection for Greek by adding a function words list.
    • Reduces the right padding of the collapsible sidebar buttons to match the block editor’s new styling.
    • Restores the | and ~ separators.
    • Reduces the right padding of the collapsible sidebar buttons to match Gutenberg’s new styling.


    • Fixes a bug where the analysis highlight button would be visible on tags, categories, and custom taxonomies even though we don’t support highlighting for those types.
    • Fixes a bug where links to items on the same page were incorrectly identified as links to other pages, leading to an incorrect result on the Link keyphrase assessment.


    Release Date: October 19th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 17.4 is out today! This release comes with several fixes and enhancements to help database performance on larger sites by cleaning up data and streamlining retrieval. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.4 in our release post!


    • Improves two queries used to determine whether or not a site has been fully processed using our SEO data optimization. This should prevent potential slowdowns in extremely large sites.


    • Fixes a bug where the url property in the search page schema would be empty.
    • Fixes a bug where a duplicate canonical tag was output for web stories created with the Web Stories plugin. Props to swissspidey.
    • Fixes a bug where a race condition could occur that caused the rewrite rules to be flushed on every page request when using a persistent cache like Redis. This may speed up your site’s load times if it’s using persistent caching.


    Release Date: October 5th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 17.3 is out today! This release includes general bug fixes to some SEO assessments and improvements to indexables data management. Now is as good a time as any to start optimizing your content with Yoast SEO! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.3 in our release post!


    • Improves the accuracy of the Keyphrase in slug assessment by correctly detecting multi-word keyphrases with at least one hyphenated word in the slug.
    • Changes the default color for overall scores to red.


    • Fixes a bug where the meta description bar indicator color would not always match the color of the assessment bullet.
    • Fixes a bug where the placement variables Category, Name and Tag would not show up in the snippet preview.
    • Fixes a bug where the path of open graph images of the JSON head would be incorrect.


    • Adds version management to our indexables framework; this makes the SEO Optimization process more robust, and prepares for future features.


    Release Date: September 28th, 2021


    • Fixes a bug that could lead to a fatal error in the breadcrumbs block for auto-draft posts.


    Release Date: September 21st, 2021

    Yoast SEO 17.2 is out now! Yoast SEO comes with many powerful tools that will help you write SEO-proof and readable texts. And as of today, you can also work on your readability in the Farsi language. Readable content is awesome content! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.2 in our release post!


    • Completes the readability analysis for Farsi by adding the transition words, sentence beginnings and passive voice assessments, and by adjusting the sentence length assessment to make it more appropriate for the Farsi language.
    • Improves keyword detection for Farsi by adding more categories to the list of function words. E.g., general adjectives and adverbs category, conjunctions, and articles.
    • Cleans up indexables for posts with an auto-draft post-status, in order to speed-up your admin pages.


    • Fixes a bug where indexables would be created for post auto-drafts when the SEO optimization is run.


    • Loads our help beacon on the workouts page.


    Release Date: September 7th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 17.1 is out today! In this release, you’ll find a couple of small changes that’ll help you write great titles that stand up to Google’s scrutiny. It also includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.1 in our release post!


    • Improves the performance of saving posts by excluding unchanged items, especially noticeable on posts with many links.
    • Stops showing the SEO Optimization notification on non-production sites.
    • Improves the filtering of function words in Dutch, English, Indonesian, Russian, and Spanish by including time-related words like ‘minute’.
    • Updates the styling of our Google preview, to reflect the updated styling of the Google search results.
    • Stops warning users when they have short titles, because concise, specific titles are less likely to be altered by Google.
    • Removes the | and ~ separator options from titles, because Google frequently replaces these in search results.


    Release Date: August 24th, 2021

    Say hello to Yoast SEO 17.0! This release includes some behind-the-scenes improvements, including several fixes for our indexables data management. For now, please enjoy Yoast SEO and write the best possible content in the language of your choice! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 17.0 in our release post!


    • Speeds up load times of admin pages by preventing unnecessary counts of unindexed objects.
    • Cleans up items from the database that are not used anymore, thereby reducing the size of many sites’ database.
    • Improves the overall performance and responsiveness in Gutenberg.
    این مطلب رو هم بخون:  Rank-Math-Pro-3⚡بروزرسانی 1400/8/20


    • Fixes a bug where the Save all button in the bulk editor did not work.
    • Fixes a bug where the Existing column in the bulk editor did not update after save.


    • Updates the message that recommends you to install WooCommerce SEO when WooCommerce is installed.


    Release Date: August 10th, 2021

    Meet Yoast SEO 16.9: This release comes with two new image SEO assessments and improved performance. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.9 in our release post!


    • Splits the Image alt attributes assessment into two assessments. The Images assessment checks if the page contains at least one image. The Image Keyphrase assessment checks if the images have alt texts, and if those alt texts contain the keyphrase.
    • Makes the Transition Word assessment not applicable when the text has less than 200 words, as transition words are less relevant for very short texts.
    • Reduces the load time of admin pages, by reducing the number of database queries and optimizing the queries themselves.
    • Improves the performance of large posts in the Block editor, Classic editor and Elementor.
    • Adds error details to the error message if SEO optimization fails for some unforeseen reason.
    • Cleans up indexables for WooCommerce check-out pages from the indexable table, in order to improve performance.
    • Adds post link indexing and term link indexing to the wp yoast index WP-CLI command.


    • Fixes a bug where the robots meta tag could have incorrect values if users called the wp_robots filter to set certain values to false. Props to Roy-Orbison.


    Release Date: July 27th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 16.8 is out today! This release comes with an updated readability analysis with support for two new languages: Norwegian and Slovak. Did you know that Yoast SEO is nearing language support for twenty languages? Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.8 in our release post!


    • Completes the readability analysis for Slovak by adding the transition words, sentence beginnings and passive voice assessments.
    • Improves keyphrase recognition in Slovak by filtering out function words such as somajednaže.
    • Completes the readability analysis for Norwegian by adding the transition words, sentence beginnings and passive voice assessments.
    • Improves keyphrase recognition in Norwegian by expanding the list of function words that are filtered out.
    • Adds the first two steps of the Premium cornerstone workout.
    • Throws a notification in the plugins page to users who have an expired subscription.
    • Improves the performance of background requests (admin-ajax calls).


    • Fixes a bug where paginated static frontpages would fail to output a valid breadcrumb.
    • Fixes a bug where the image selectors in the search appearance and social settings did not have a screen reader text.


    Release Date: July 13th, 2021

    Meet Yoast SEO 16.7! This release comes with extended support for headless WordPress. Yoast SEO comes with a REST API that developers can use to access our metadata in a headless WordPress installation. In Yoast SEO 16.7, we’re making more data available and also in a different format: JSON. Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.7 in our release post!



    • Fixes a bug where a database entry would be added in the indexables table every time a WooCommerce order was created.
    • Fixes a bug where the SEO optimization could run indefinitely when the database contained at least 25 faulty indexables without a permalink.
    • Fixes a bug where the Advanced section and Schema tab wouldn’t be visible in the metabox for Editors. Props to jordif.


    Release Date: July 1st, 2021


    Fixes a bug where many Premium editor features would not work if Yoast SEO was updated to version 16.6 while Yoast SEO Premium was still on version 16.5 or lower.


    Release Date: June 29th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 16.6 comes with a new round of improvements and fixes. We’ve updated the analysis to exclude sentences inside tables and table captions from the consecutive sentences assessment. Enjoy! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.6 in our release post!


    Updates SearchAction schema to comply with Google’s updated specification.

    Excludes sentences inside tables and table captions from the consecutive sentences assessment.

    Adds adjacent relative links (rel="prev" and rel="next") for WooCommerce shop pages. Props to stodorovic.

    Adds increased compatibility for LiteSpeed web servers. Props to J-Rey.

    Adds adjacent relative links for WooCommerce shop pages. Props to stodorovic.


    Fixes a bug where an error would be shown on the page overview and post overview when the website’s MySQL database was run in ANSI-mode. Props to stodorovic.

    Fixes a bug where shortcodes would be removed from the Open Graph description even when they were explicitly added. Props to Lomerill.

    Fixes a bug where using the wpseo_schema_{@type} filter would result in a fatal error.

    Fixes a bug where the last breadcrumb item was stripped in breadcrumb Schema output on subsequent pages of a static posts page.


    Release Date: June 15th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 16.5 is out today! This release comes with a number of fixes and enhancements. For instance, easier social media settings, better understanding of the Turkish and Czech languages and improvements to the breadcrumbs schema output. Read all about it in our release post!


    Improves passive voice recognition for Turkish.

    Improves accuracy of the Czech passive voice assessment by separating clauses based on punctuation marks, and by expanding the list of stopwords.

    Changes the breadcrumbs schema output so Google can understand it better.

    Moves the social settings for the homepage from the Social > Facebook tab, to Search Appearance > General.

    Improves the organization of the Search Appearance > General tab, with distinct collapsibles for the Title Separator, the Homepage settings and the Schema.org settings.

    Introduces a notice to be displayed in Search Appearance > General in place of the Social settings for the Homepage when Open Graph is disabled.

    Introduces an image validation warning for the Homepage social image and the Default social image to warn about unsupported file extensions.

    Improves spacing, headings and toggle labels in the Search Appearance settings, and makes the forms more consistent.

    Less is more: removes a whole bunch of ads from the Yoast SEO admin screens.

    Optimizes subscription validations made by Premium add-ons.

    Improves the truncation of the primary_focus_keyword field in the database to handle multibyte characters. Props to rickhurst.

    Introduces a partial integration of the Yoast SEO meta box in the Web Stories WordPress editor. Props to swissspidy.


    Fixes a bug where max-image-preview:large would be output in the robots meta tag in combination with noimage.


    Moves the ‘Force rewrite titles’ toggle into a separate paper in the General Search Appearance settings.


    Release Date: June 1st, 2021

    Meet Yoast SEO 16.4: This brand-new version of Yoast SEO comes with a rewritten language analysis, plus a newly supported language: Czech. People who write in this language can now fully use our tools to improve their content. We hope you enjoy this update! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.4 in our release post!


    Completes the readability analysis for Czech by adding the transition words, sentence beginnings and passive voice assessments.

    این مطلب رو هم بخون:  SP-Page-Builder-Pro3-8-2⚡بروزرسانی1400/10/7

    Improves keyphrase recognition in Czech by filtering out function words such as dvoutvémunějaký.

    Improves the accuracy of passive voice detection in Portuguese.

    Adds the missing Polish transition word jak wiemy (props to @jarekherisz).

    Makes all twitter meta tags self-closing, for the sake of consistency and to allow pages to pass validation in some tools.

    Improves the UX consistency between the notification counter in the admin bar and in the sidebar.

    Makes the notification counter in the admin bar a closer match to the counter the sidebar.


    Fixes a bug where new feature notification couldn’t be dismissed.

    Fixes a bug where the primary term for custom post types was not always properly set for posts edited in the Gutenberg editor.

    Fixes a bug where the schema output could be incorrect on terms with the same ID as the static posts page.


    Adds a missing space to the feedback text in the keyphrase in introduction assessment.


    Release Date: May 18th, 2021

    Out now: Yoast SEO 16.3! This release helps you with one of the key aspects of modern SEO: Structured data. Yoast SEO 16.3 comes with a lot of enhancements for the Schema.org implementation. Enjoy! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.3 in our release post!


    Adds the Table of Contents accessibility feature to the Article Schema with a fallback to the WebPage Schema, when using the Yoast Table of Contents block.

    Adds the url property to the Author Schema on a post when author archives are enabled.

    Adds the wordCount and thumbnailUrl attributes to Article schema pieces.

    Allows adding multiple FAQ blocks to a post or page.


    Fixes a bug where a malformed Organization piece would be added to the Schema output if the company logo was an unsupported image.

    Fixes a bug where we would accidentally include unminified CSS files in the zip. This led to an unnecessary zip size increase.

    Fixes a bug where the complete options array could be re-saved in the database at each frontend request.

    Fixes a bug where both noindex and index values could be added to the robots meta tag on the WordPress login screen.

    Fixes a rare bug where the name property could be missing in the breadcrumb Schema due to plugin conflicts.


    Adds the yoast_display_gutenberg_compat_notification filter to allow disabling the Gutenberg compatibility notification.

    Adds the wpseo_schema_person_data filter to enable the filtering of Person Schema by the user’s ID.

    Adds the Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_post_types_archive action at the end of the archive section of the custom post types in Search Appearance.

    Deprecates the wpseo_admin_page_meta_post_types action in favor of the new Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_post_types_beforearchive action.

    Deprecates the wpseo_admin_page_meta_taxonomies action in favor of the new Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_taxonomies_meta action.

    Improves the layout of the Search Appearance collapsibles.

    Improves spacing between settings sections in the Search Appearance page.

    Replaces all occurrences of ‘SEMrush’ by ‘Semrush’ to reflect Semrush’s rebranding.



    Release Date: April 28th, 2021

    Say hi to Yoast SEO 16.2! This release focuses on improving stability and fixing several bugs. It also includes several enhancements. Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.2 in our release post!


    Enables/disables auto-updates for the ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin when auto-updates for Yoast SEO are enabled/disabled.

    Improves the accessibility of the social sharing links in the post publish panel.

    Changes the output of the articleSection and keywords attributes of the Article schema to an array instead of comma-separated values.

    Improves the performance by optimizing the way Article schema is built, saving a query on pageload.


    Fixes a bug where saving posts containing URLs without protocol would fail or trigger warnings.

    Fixes a bug where the current webpage would not always be referenced correctly in the breadcrumb schema output.

    Fixes a bug where robots metadata were not returned when requesting metadata via our get_head REST route.

    Fixes a bug where the primary term isn’t saved at the right moment resulting in having an unexpected term for the breadcrumbs.

    Fixes a bug where our add-ons would not automatically be updated if Yoast SEO was the first plugin for which the user ever enabled auto-updates.


    Adds the 'wpseo_enable_editor_features_' . $post_type filter to allow users to show the Yoast SEO metabox on non-public post types if these are accessible. Props to jondcampbell.


    Release Date: April 6th, 2021


    Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when creating a new Elementor template or editing an existing one.


    Release Date: April 6th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 16.1 is out today! It features several enhancements and fixes that make the plugin chug along nicely. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.1 in our release post!


    Improves the performance of the SEO data indexing process by optimizing the queries used for fetching unindexed objects.

    Adds your OpenGraph or Twitter image as the main image in Schema when they’re set.

    Adds contentUrl to the schema image output.

    Improves the performance of the post indexing. Props to Ovidiu Liuta.

    Improves the URL in the Google preview when in the desktop mode.

    Improves the performance of loading the person & organization logo in Schema.

    Improves the performance by optimizing several calls to WP path and basename functions by using already defined and calculated constants.

    Removes the keyphrase highlighting in the mobile meta description to reflect new Google behavior.


    Fixes a bug where the analysis highlight button would be visible in our Elementor integration even though we don’t support it.

    Fixes a bug where a warning was shown on the Features settings page when running the plugin on PHP 8.0.

    Fixes a bug where a warning was shown on the Integrations settings page when running the plugin on PHP 8.0.

    Fixes a bug where, on a multisite installation, enabling/disabling auto-updates for Yoast SEO would not automatically enable/disable auto-updates for Yoast SEO Premium and the other Yoast add-ons.

    Fixes a bug where the breadcrumbs aren’t updated properly when editing a post via the quick edit.

    Fixes a bug where the rewrite rules would not always be flushed on plugin activation.


    March 23rd, 2021


    Fixes a bug where the “Activate your subscription” link would be in the wrong place on the Plugins page. Sorry for the confusion.

    Fixes a bug where the strip category base class would be wrongly instantiated under specific circumstances.


    Release Date: March 18th, 2021


    Changes the deactivation prevention text on the Plugins page from ‘Deactivate Yoast SEO Premium first’ to ‘Required by Yoast SEO Premium’ to avoid confusion.


    Release Date: March 16th, 2021


    Fixes a bug where in rare cases incorrect usage of WP_Query could lead to incorrect SEO data.


    Release Date: March 16th, 2021

    Yoast SEO 16.0: The Sweet Sixteen release is out! It comes with several fixes and improvements. Happy updating and thank you for using Yoast SEO! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.0 in our release post!


    Fixes a bug where invalid breadcrumbs would show PHP warnings.

    Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when a post ancestor was not an indexable.

    Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when both Yoast SEO and Polylang for WooCommerce were installed, and the site contained WooCommerce variable products. Props to manooweb.


    Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 5.7 and minimum supported WordPress version to 5.6.

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